Legendary class mods borderlands 2
Legendary class mods borderlands 2

legendary class mods borderlands 2

From your description, it appears you've already targeted two optimal solutions - a Lege Horder for Sal and a Lege Binder for Maya - so I'd go for those asap by playing the game, or by building them using a third-party software solution like gibbed or by trading for them using the BL2 In-Game Trading sub-forum. Although not universally true in all situations, generally speaking the game will offer at least one or more solutions to any given challenging situation. The rare item drops in BL2 aren't bizarre - they're quite consistent actually - consistently very low and determined by the game's RNG. Oh and I would be willing to trade off some of them for horder (salvidor) or binder (maya) but that is not expressly the pupose of this discussion. Should I have played the lottery this week instead of borderlands, or is there somthing I am missing? Becouse off the top of my head there are (18)? of these mods that drop from tubbies, 10 in a row for one of five charater types, then for 7 of them to be of the same type.the odds seem like maybe I am missing something. 7 of them were the Ranger class mod I wanted the other three were engineers and a pointman. 2 for zero, 3 for gauge, 2 for salvidor, 3 for maya, 2 for Kreig none of them what we wanted perticularly. Over the course of a couple of days we had 22 mod drops.

legendary class mods borderlands 2

Each of us wanted specific ones for our classes.

legendary class mods borderlands 2

So, three of us (all real life friends) have been farming the natural selection annex for tubbies to get our class mods.

Legendary class mods borderlands 2